RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

Directory Structure c/src/lib/libbsp BSP Directory

PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf RTEMS Development Environment Guide c/src/lib/libbsp BSP Directory

The "libbsp" directory contains a directory for each CPU family supported by RTEMS. Beneath each CPU directory is a directory for each BSP for that processor family.

The "libbsp" directory provides all the BSPs provided with this release of the RTEMS executive. The subdirectories are divided, as discussed previously, based on specific processor family, then further broken down into specific target board environments. The "no_cpu" subdirectory provides a starting point template BSP which can be used to develop a specific BSP for an unsupported target board. The files in this subdirectory may aid in preliminary testing of the RTEMS development environment that has been built for no particular target in mind.

Below each CPU dependent directory is a directory for each target BSP supported in this release.

Each BSP provides the modules which comprise an RTEMS BSP. The modules are separated into the subdirectories "clock", "console", "include", "shmsupp", "startup", and "timer" as shown in the following figure:

                           Each BSP
  |           |          |           |          |          |
clock      console    include     shmsupp    startup     timer

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