RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

Frame Buffer Driver Initialization

PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf BSP and Device Driver Development Guide

17.2.1: Initialization

The driver initialization is called once during the RTEMS initialization process and returns RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL when the device driver is successfully initialized. During the initialization, a name is assigned to the frame buffer device. If the graphics hardware supports console text output, as is the case with the pc386 VGA hardware, initialization into graphics mode may be deferred until the device is open()ed.

The frame_buffer_initialize() function may look like this:

rtems_device_driver frame_buffer_initialize(
  rtems_device_major_number  major,
  rtems_device_minor_number  minor,
  void                      *arg)
  rtems_status_code status;

  printk( "frame buffer driver initializing..\n" );

   * Register the device
  status = rtems_io_register_name("/dev/fb0", major, 0);
  if (status != RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL)
    printk("Error registering frame buffer device!\n");
    rtems_fatal_error_occurred( status );

    * graphics hardware initialization goes here for non-console
    * devices


PREV UP NEXT Bookshelf BSP and Device Driver Development Guide

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