RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

Initialization Code The RTEMS Configuration Table

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7.8: The RTEMS Configuration Table

The RTEMS configuration table contains the maximum number of objects RTEMS can handle during the application (e.g. maximum number of tasks, semaphores, etc.). It's used to allocate the size for the RTEMS inner data structures.

The RTEMS configuration table is application dependent, which means that one has to provide one per application. It is usually defined by defining macros and including the header file <rtems/confdefs.h>. In simple applications such as the tests provided with RTEMS, it is commonly found in the main module of the application. For more complex applications, it may be in a file by itself.

The header file <rtems/confdefs.h> defines a constant table named Configuration. With RTEMS 4.8 and older, it was accepted practice for the BSP to copy this table into a modifiable copy named BSP_Configuration. This copy of the table was modified to define the base address of the RTEMS Executive Workspace as well as to reflect any BSP and device driver requirements not automatically handled by the application. In 4.9 and newer, we have eliminated the BSP copies of the configuration tables and are making efforts to make the configuration information generated by <rtems/confdefs.h> constant and read only.

For more information on the RTEMS Configuration Table, refer to the RTEMS Application C User's Guide.

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