RTEMS 4.10.1 On-Line Library

Rate Monotonic Manager RATE_MONOTONIC_PERIOD - Conclude current/Start next period

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19.4.5: RATE_MONOTONIC_PERIOD - Conclude current/Start next period


procedure Rate_Monotonic_Period (
   ID      : in     RTEMS.ID;
   Length  : in     RTEMS.Interval;
   Result  :    out RTEMS.Status_Codes


RTEMS.SUCCESSFUL - period initiated successfully
RTEMS.INVALID_ID - invalid rate monotonic period id
RTEMS.NOT_OWNER_OF_RESOURCE - period not created by calling task
RTEMS.NOT_DEFINED - period has never been initiated (only possible when period is set to PERIOD_STATUS)
RTEMS.TIMEOUT - period has expired


This directive initiates the rate monotonic period id with a length of period ticks. If id is running, then the calling task will block for the remainder of the period before reinitiating the period with the specified period. If id was not running (either expired or never initiated), the period is immediately initiated and the directive returns immediately.

If invoked with a period of RTEMS.PERIOD_STATUS ticks, the current state of id will be returned. The directive status indicates the current state of the period. This does not alter the state or period of the period.


This directive will not cause the running task to be preempted.

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