RTEMS 4.10.0 On-Line Library

Initialization phase

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6.4.1: Initialization phase

The DEC21140 Ethernet driver keeps the same software architecture than the other RTEMS ethernet drivers. The only API the programmer can use is the rtems_dec21140_driver_attach (struct rtems_bsdnet_ifconfig *config) function which detects the board and initializes the associated data structure (with registers base address, entry points to low-level initialization function,...), if the board is found.

Once the attach function executed, the driver initializes the DEC chip. Then the driver connects an interrupt handler to the interrupt line driven by the Ethernet controller (the only interrupt which will be treated is the receive interrupt) and launches 2 threads : a receiver thread and a transmitter thread. Then the driver waits for incoming frame to give to the protocol stack or outcoming frame to send on the physical link.

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