RTEMS 4.10.0 On-Line Library

Task-Dependent Synchronization Manager frsm_tsk - Forcibly Resume Suspended Task

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2.3.3: frsm_tsk - Forcibly Resume Suspended Task


ER ercd =frsm_tsk(
  ID tskid


E_OK - Normal Completion

E_ID - Invalid ID Number (tskid was invalid or could not be used)

E_NOEXS - Object does not exist (the task specified by tskid does not exist)

E_OACV - Object access violation (A tskid less than -4 was specified from a user task. This is implementation dependent.)

E_OBJ - Invalid object state (the target task is not in SUSPEND state (including when it is DORMANT or when the issuing task specifies itself))

EN_OBJNO - An object number which could not be accessed on the target node is specified.

EN_CTXID - Specified an object on another node when the system call was issued from a task in dispatch disabled state or from a task-independent portion


This system call releases SUSPEND state of the task specified by tskid. Specifically, it causes SUSPEND state to be released and the execution of the specified task to resume when the task has been suspended by the prior execution of sus_tsk. If the specified task is in WAIT-SUSPEND state, the execution of rsm_tsk only releases the SUSPEND state, and the task will become WAIT state.

A task cannot specify itself to this system call. An E_OBJ error will result if a task specifies itself.

Frsm_tsk will clear all suspend requests (suscnt = 0) even if more than one sus_tsk has been issued (suscnt >= 2) on the same task. In other words, SUSPEND state is guaranteed to be released, and execution will resume unless the task in question had been in combined WAIT-SUSPEND state.


It is implementation dependent which location in the ready queue a task returns to after the task which has been suspended from RUN or READY state is resumed by frsm_tsk.

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