RTEMS 4.10.0 On-Line Library

Chains Iterating a Chain

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28.3.3: Iterating a Chain

Iterating a chain is a common function. The example shows how to iterate the buffer pool chain created in the last section to find buffers starting with a specific string. If the buffer is located it is extracted from the chain and placed on another chain:

void foobar (const char*          match,
             rtems.chain_control* chain,
             rtems.chain_control* out)
  rtems.chain_node* node;
  foo*              bar;

  rtems.chain_initialize_empty (out);

  node = chain->first;

  while (!rtems.chain_is_tail (chain, node))
    bar = (foo*) node;
    rtems_chain_node* next_node = node->next;

    if (strcmp (match, bar->data) == 0)
      rtems.chain_extract (node);
      rtems.chain_append (out, node);

    node = next_node;

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