RTEMS 4.10.0 On-Line Library

Overview User Customization and Extensibility

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1.6: User Customization and Extensibility

As thirty-two bit microprocessors have decreased in cost, they have become increasingly common in a variety of embedded systems. A wide range of custom and general-purpose processor boards are based on various thirty-two bit processors. RTEMS was designed to make no assumptions concerning the characteristics of individual microprocessor families or of specific support hardware. In addition, RTEMS allows the system developer a high degree of freedom in customizing and extending its features.

RTEMS assumes the existence of a supported microprocessor and sufficient memory for both RTEMS and the real-time application. Board dependent components such as clocks, interrupt controllers, or I/O devices can be easily integrated with RTEMS. The customization and extensibility features allow RTEMS to efficiently support as many environments as possible.

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