RTEMS 4.0.0 On-Line Library

Interrupt Processing Register Cache Flushing

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4.6: Register Cache Flushing

The i960CA version of the RTEMS interrupt manager is optimized to insure that the flushreg instruction is only executed when a context switch is necessary. The flushreg instruction flushes the i960CA register set cache and takes (14 + 23 * number of sets flushed) cycles to execute. As the i960CA supports caching of from five to sixteen register sets, this instruction takes from 129 to 382 cycles (3.90 to 11.57 microseconds at 33 Mhz) to execute given no wait state memory. RTEMS flushes the register set cache only at the conclusion of the outermost ISR when a context switch is necessary. The register set cache will not be flushed as part of processing a nested interrupt or when a context switch is not necessary. This optimization is essential to providing high-performance interrupt management on the i960CA.

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