RTEMS 4.0.0 On-Line Library

Installing Cygwin32 B19

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7.3: Installing Cygwin32 B19

This section describes the process of installing the version B19 of the Cygwin32 environment. It assumes that this toolset is installed in a directory referred to as <RTOS>.

  1. Execute cdk.exe. These instructions assume that you install Cygwin32 under the <RTOS>\cygnus\b19 directory.
  2. Execute Cygwin.bat (either on the start menu or under <RTOS>\cygnus\b19).
  3. At this point, you are at the command line of bash, a Unix-like shell. You have to mount the "/" directory. Type:
    umount /
    mount -b <RTOS> /

    For example, the following sequence mounts the E:\unix as the root directory for the Cygwin32 environment. Note the use of two \s when specifying DOS paths in bash:

    umount /
    mount -b e:\\unix /
  4. Create the /bin, /tmp, /source and /build directories.
    mkdir /bin
    mkdir /tmp
    mkdir /source
    mkdir /build
    mkdir /build/binutils
    mkdir /build/egcs
  5. The light Bourne shell provided with Cygwin B19 is buggy. You should copy it to a fake name and copy bash.exe to sh.exe:
    cd <RTOS>/cygnus/b19/H-i386-cygwin32/bin
    mv sh.exe old_sh.exe
    cp bash.exe sh.exe

    The Bourne shell has to be present in /bin directory to run shell scripts properly:

    cp <RTOS>/cygnus/b19/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/sh.exe /bin
    cp <RTOS>/cygnus/b19/H-i386-cygwin32/bin/bash.exe /bin
  6. Open the file /cygnus/b19/H-i386-cygwin32/lib/gcc-lib/i386-cygwin32/2.7-b19/specs, and change the following line:
    -lcygwin %{mwindows:-luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32} -lkernel32


    -lcygwin %{mwindows:-luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32} -lkernel32 -ladvapi32

At this point, you have a native installation of Cygwin32 and are ready to proceed to building a cross-compiler.

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