RTEMS 4.0.0 On-Line Library

Running the bit Script

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3.10: Running the bit Script

After the bit script has been modified to reflect the local installation, the modified bit script is run using the following sequence:

cd tools
./bit <target configuration>

Where <target configuration> is one of the following:

If no errors are encountered, the bit script will conclude by printing messages similar to the following:

The src and build-i386-tools subdirectory may now be removed.

Started:  Fri Apr 10 10:14:07 CDT 1998
Finished: Fri Apr 10 12:01:33 CDT 1998

If the bit script successfully completes, then the GNU C/C++ cross compilation tools are installed.

If the bit script does not successfully complete, then investigation will be required to determine the source of the error.

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